Casual sharers, that have not had a business intro, should be directed to start a group message with upline leader and interested prospect.
Getting People to a Recorded Presentation and/or Creating Interest Cheat Sheet
1. Create Interest - (fb post or reaching out using templates under "reachouts" tab under "sharing" in the "steps to success" section of this site)
2. Acknowledge them under their comment on the post (if facebook) - (not mentioning Isa name) "I will send you a pm"
3. Share briefly (in private message if Facebook)- (only about your own personal experience and perhaps what they would like to achieve with their health if it is fitting)
*If you have decided to ask their heal goals. "Well based on what you are saying I believe I may have a solution for you."
4. IMPORTANT!!!!!! ASK PERMISSION - "This may or may not be for you and if not, certainly no hard feelings but something tells me you will be happy I shared this with you. Are you open to taking a look at some information?"
5. BEGINNERS Start 3 way message with upline leader - "Ok great! I am going to go ahead and start a 3 way message with my friend _____ who introduced me to this. She is super nice and super knowledgeable. She will help me get you the info. DO NOT WAIT FOR RESPONSE, JUST START THE MESSAGE AND INTRODUCE.
or offer the presentation
5. Offering the Presentation - "Ok Great! The best way for me to get you all the info is for me to get you scheduled to watch one of our upcoming 16 min (change time length of presentation if needed). overview presentations that you can view from your phone or computer. Is morning, afternoon, or evening usually best for you?"
(Once they answer, offer 2 times at which you would be available to follow up immediately after they view) JUST 2 TIMES! (to keep your business and calendar organized, only book on the hour)
Ex: “I have an 8pm on Wed or 5pm Thurs. Which is best?”
Ex: “Is 7pm on Wed good or would 8 be better?”
Incorrect: “I have a 7pm on Wed and an 8pm on Thurs. Would either of those work for you?”
6. Explain what will happen after webinar- “Okay perfect. Your appointment has been scheduled! Just a couple minutes before (scheduled date and time) I am going to come right back to this message and paste the link. All you have to do is click on it to watch and I will call you immediately following to answer any additional questions. What’s the best number to reach you at?" (STOP - Make sure to get number before moving on)
“I am also going to see if can grab “Cheri or [Name of Upline] or [Name of Upline] I think you will appreciate their knowledge and personal perspective. Either way, I will talk to you on _____ at ______.
“I am also going to see if can grab [Name of Upline] or [Name of Upline] as I am still new to the program and want to make sure I get all your questions answered. Both have been doing this for a while and are super knowledgeable. Either way I will talk to you on ____ at______.
"In the meantime I’d like to add you to our private facebook page where you will find all kinds of useful info including recipes, product info and videos. It’s a great way to check things out. Are you open to being added to that?"... "Ok, great I'm going to add and Welcome you!"
(Chosen recorded webinar found under the "presentation options" tab in the Business section) If the individual is interested in the business opportunity, make sure to send Eden Slobin Comp Plan video as well! (also found here.)
Make sure to confirm a few hours before via text or messenger. Texting will have them recognizing your number for later.
*beginners please set yourself up for success and do a few of these with an upline leader and get at least a couple of enrollments before doing it alone so you can get acclimated with the language of scheduling the next steps.
Common Objections…
With objections..... answer the question quickly and then right back to offering the 2 times for the webinar. DO NOT get sucked in to lengthy conversations. Let the webinar do the work for you.
Objection: How much is it
Response: Well, there are different packages to come in on based on your needs but super economical. Are you open to receiving that info?
Objection: Is it expensive
Response: Not at all! In fact most people actually end up saving money. Let’s get you the info and if you decide it’s something for you we can choose a package that fits your needs both financially and health-wise.
Objection: Cancelling the call after the webinar
If you are getting people on the webinars and they are contacting you before your SCHEDULED FOLLOW UP CALL saying don't bother calling it's too expensive...
"As I said before, the program is certainly not for everyone but I am a bit concerned that after watching you feel it's expensive. Whether you choose to do the program or not... the purpose of the follow up is to simply make sure you have a complete understanding of the cost and how the program works. I fear you may have misunderstood a bit and would feel terrible if you walked away without a complete understanding. I remember feeling the exact same way and I am so grateful *Kerri* took the time to explain as I have actually saved money!! No worries if you still decide not to move forward after we speak but I would still like to give you a quick call if for nothing else to get your feedback.”
Getting drilled with questions:
Response: Listen I really have to run and honestly, I’d be doing you a disservice explaining it to you this way. The webinar will go over packages, pricing… everything you need to make an educated decision and it’s only 20 minutes. Will 9 work or is noon a better time?
*After handling objections make sure to go back and complete steps.